If you already have a ready-made title, copy it and replace it in your business profile in the Google business profile Then, check if the freshly written one is of optimal length and contains all the necessary words that fit your business.

Additionally, below the suggested words you can create your title. If you already have a ready-made title, copy it and replace it in your Google business profile. Then, check if the freshly written one is of optimal length and contains all the necessary terms that fit your business.

The suggested words you can use to create your title are below. Remember to include only those words that match your business. You will also get a complete list of keywords sorted by ranking influence. You should include them in your title in addition to your brand (just don't exceed the appropriate title length). If there is something wrong with your title, you will get a comment here. Localo will tell you how long your title should be so that it is not short but also too long compared to your competitors. You can also quickly and easily create an optimized title in the Localo audit tool. Check this carefully and optimize your title in your Google business account. You may find that many of them, apart from the business name, has added a keyword, e.g., dentist, clinic, orthodontist, etc. Additionally, the title is something that customers see first in Google search results, so a good title can also increase the number of clicks on your company's profile.įollow your competitors well and see what words they use in their titles and company names. The title is one of the most decisive ranking factors, so if you optimize it well, you can significantly increase your company's visibility on Google. Going from the beginning, at the very start, you need to address the title of your business on Google. Start improving and optimizing your Google business profile
In this article, you will find out how to optimize your Google business (formerly Google My Business) profile to get more visits from the local searches.ģ. So, what do you need to do in order to optimize your business listing on Google and become the #1 business in your area? But what is the primary category in my SEO strategy?

add a description of the company (ok, but should I pay attention to something when creating it?).add business photos (but still, if I already have 50 of them?).get positive reviews (ok, but how many?).I'm afraid you won't get substantive answers, only tips such as:
You won't get this from any blog post, nor will anyone do it for free on these groups. Then you can compare the results, draw conclusions and use them to optimize your company profile. It's a thorough and profound analysis of your business listing and competitors before you start doing search engine optimization. To find the answer to the above questions, first, you need to do one significant thing.